Tuesday 1 April 2008

Dreaming of a white... Easter?

If April showers bring May flowers, what do March blizzards bring?
Man, I am so clever.
It snowed for Easter, and here are the pictures:

Pheasant tracks.

400 year old canal.

Sad daffodils

Approaching the city centre (British city centre, British spelling).

Vandalized bike, in the snow!

Little St. Mary's graveyard.

Trinity College

More Trinity

Punts on the River Cam, in the snow!

There were also hundreds of professional photographers out taking pictures with their huge, fancy cameras to sell to people to use in brochures and postcards and calendars.

Find out next time how a millisecond physics lesson made Emily unable to type with both hands!


Rabia said...

sooo lucky.
personally I find winter better than summer for some reason... March however is kinda late for snow..=/

Penelope said...

god, i can't wait!
re: the teaser.

nickc.myk said...

So pretty! I wish it had snowed properly in Tooting. I need to come back to Cambridge again!

Anonymous said...

i'm behind in my blog reading, but now i've come back. gorgeous pics!!