Saturday 19 April 2008


I am a liar.
The guy who drinks IPA and who I thought was named Tom is actually named Lewis. Sorry to disappoint.
He brought his wife in today and she talks EXACTLY like he does. The same head movements as well. It's pretty funny.
She told me all about being a bedmaker at Downing College (a college at Cambridge University) and about barging into rooms with "do not disturb" signs and kicking the boys (it's an all-male college) bedmates out so that she could make the bed. And about calling their parents and letting them know that ther sons were still alive, and the stacks and stacks of Christmas letters that she receives from them still. I like her.
Still, I am afraid of becoming like her and her husband. Sitting in a pub talking about all the things that I used to do, instead of things that I want to do in the future or things I am doing currently.
At the same time, they clearly love sitting in the pub and telling barmaids (and anyone who will listen) about their wild youths and crazy capers and who am I to judge them for their enjoyments.
And, because I can't help but generalize, do certain people push themselves to do all the "crazy" stuff when they're young because they feel that they can "relax" when they're "too old" to do interesting things any more?
Reminds me of my parents talking about some of my more wild classmates from high school that they saw recently, how a few of them looked like they had prematurely aged, or like they were much older women trying to look like much younger women. As if they had pushed themselves too far in the 8 year span of high school and college without doing anything interesting (or what I consider interesting) and their enthusiasm for things had lost intensity.
Maybe I worry too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wonder about that too actually. i always hate it when people tell me that this is the "time of my life", which basically discounts whatever awesome times i may have in the future. i guess it's just about constantly pushing yourself and always making new goals.

is it bad that part of me is happy those crazy high-school kids are slowing down just as i'm speeding up?