Saturday 29 March 2008

Kettle's Yard and Diablo Cody

It snowed on Easter Sunday! I got excited and ran out of the house to take pictures without a house key. Oh well, caught up with KT and Will and Hannah before I got too cold. Pictures coming soon...

Work is going well, and my co-worker, S., and I are going to go see another co-worker of ours in a production of "A chorus line" which is nice because I like her and because I like going out, though I am not a big fan of musicals. Should be fun anyways.

Went and saw Kettle's Yard, which is this guy's house that has been turned into a museum. This dude, Jim Ede, was a curator for the Tate Gallery (a museum in London) and so he has great modern paintings and just a great house and they don't treat it like a museum, you have to ring a bell to be let in and they encourage you to do things like sit in the furniture and read his books. He did have a great house. Not fancy but comfortable and really really well designed and with great paintings. I had never heard of the painter Alfred Wallace before but I am now a definite fan.
There is also a gallery space at Kettle's Yard and they were showing some experimental animation and I saw it. It was nice, good rainy day afternoon (and it was a rainy day).

Then I went and spent too much money on that book that Diablo Cody wrote (she also wrote the screenplay for "Juno"). I thought that it would be cheaper (because I bought it second hand), but then I got to the till and found out that it was twice what I had thought. I bought it anyway because I am a coward.

opinion of the book: eh. Interesting, but ultimately, eh.

Ummmm.... that's really all the news from this week.

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