Monday 3 March 2008

Post Birthday Post

It was my 23rd birthday last Sunday. Nick came up from London and we went out (see previous post) he also stayed for dinner the next night. For dinner Saturday night KT and Will resurrected what was left of the white bean and kale soup (see previous x 2(?) post) and tweaked it. We had eaten all of the kale out of it so KT and Will added lots of cabbage and more beans. We were all sitting there eating it and suddenly Nick stops and gulps and says, very politely "Um,excuse me, did I just swallow a lump of cheese?" Caitlin and I laughed excessively because it had been part of the parmesan rind that I had cooked with the soup, neglected to remove and, then stored in the broth for a few days, then reheated, and fed to Nick. I assume that it was a very unpleasant experience and I tell the story as a cautionary tale to people who flavor their soups with parmesan rind and then forget about it. Also because Nick was so shocked and presumably grossed out yet so incredibly polite about the whole thing.
Sunday was my actual birthday. Nick and I wandered around Cambridge all day (ate a "full English" breakfast, bought books at a church book sale [that had 5 copies of Pride and Prejudice, 2 of which we bought], drank cappucinos and toured some of the colleges etc.). For dessert that night KT made a rockin' bread pudding with rhubarb sauce and Will found a candle and they sang me happy birthday and gave me 2 scarves.
A very good birthday.

It was also "Mothering Sunday" which is some sort of English mothers day. For mothering Sunday Will wanted to take a picture of Hannah holding a sign saying "Happy Mothering Sunday!" and frame it for KT. So we spent something like 2 hours trying to get a good picture of the baby holding the sign. I would line up the shit and Will would dance around yelling "smile hannah, smile. Hi hihihihihihihihi, HURRAY FOR THE BABY!" and other similar things to get her to smile. We got some good ones, but then realized that in order to have them printed they needed to be on the cameras memory card, but they weren't because we had just put them on my computer to see them and choose the best one. So we had to go throught the whole rigamarole again but Hannah was out of smiles. She wasn't unhappy or fussy, just unwilling to smile. I ended up pinning the sign to her shirt and taking pictures of Will walking her around the flat. We got a decent one but we were both over the project by then.
Here is the cutest picture of Hannah:

1 comment:

Ari Safari said...

You pretty much rock. I love reading your shit. Keeping providing this sort of material.