Wednesday 19 March 2008


Going to play with Nick in London tomorrow! Hurrah! No babysitting, the only beers I am going to encounter are going to be my own, and I get to hang out in a big city, with Nick! Hurrah for Nick! AND because I haven't been spending any money, I am going to take the train! I love the train! I am going to make myself a train mix to listen to, while riding the train! The train!

Umm, nothing exciting today. Baby-sat, made mediocre soup (cooked it for too long and the beans disintegrated), generally was a housewife all day.

Maybe something liiiiiiiike..


But actually, most likely more along the hair falling out of a ponytail, rice cereal all over the shirt, rings under the eyes type of housewife. Which is good too.


Anonymous said...

i love the train tooo! have fun!! and you make for one cute housewife! :)

Penelope said...

you are too cute. when the hell was this picture taken? your hair is so long.