Tuesday 11 March 2008

Itchy Feet and Solitary Drinkers

Getting Itchy Feet. Been in England 4 weeks and I am getting a little bit antsy. It's frustrating to look at guide books etc. and try to find places that I want to visit in the future because I want to visit them nowww.
Enough whining.
Today while I was working a day shift at The P. a tall, Middle-Eastern kid approximately my age wearing a swanky leather jacket over a dougboy belly and a huge expensive watch on his wrist came in. He ordered a double whiskey and downed it in 2 minutes and asked for another. He sat down for that dose and I noticed that his hands were shaking. He asked for a third and went into the other room. I wanted to run after him and ask him what was wrong (pure curiosity) but didn't know how to go about it. Instead, I thought of some interesting possibilities:

1.) lovelife gone awry.
2.) He was middle-eastern (thick accent too) and in my head's version of the world the middle-east isn't terribly stable and maybe his father is an oil magnate and maybe his sister was kidnapped and is being held for ransom.
3.) Lost too much money at the track.
4.) Less interestingly, he just got kicked out of school.
5.) Even less interestingly, some project of his just lost funding and he let his whole department down and everyone was counting on him and he failed them.
6.) This is where I got depressed about my lack of ingenuity and quit thinking of scenarios.

The day shift is always interesting because that's when the solitary drinkers show up. For example, the Professor (my boss tells me that he is a lecturer) showed up today, but he only drank 3 double-vodka tonics instead of the impressive 5 I once served him (10 shots of vodka all before 3:30 pm). And then there's Simon and his drinks. He shows up around 4:30 and calls me "darling" and "my lovely" and always asks me how my day has been. He's less patronising than he initially was, and always seems genuine rather than lecherous when he asks me how my weekend has been. He's really into being a regular and part of that involves charming the barmaid so that she knows your drink and your name. And I do. He drinks a double house vodka tonic in a coke glass full of ice and topped off with soda, and his name is Simon.

Funny story about regulars:
I was baby-sitting Hannah and pushing the pram up the street and I passed Stevie (rather creepy regular). As I was pushing a pram that was obviously full of baby, and I am old enough to legitimatly pass as a mother I gave him a huge, radiant smile. He grimaced/smiled and walked a little faster in the other direction.


Ari Safari said...

My good! Babies are the perfect way to dissuade unwelcome suitors. Go you!

nickc.myk said...

Well, after reading your most recent posts. It is decided that you must come back to London sooner than you planned. Come this Saturday for another day trip! or as soon a possible. I promise we'll find a cure (or at least a treatment) for itchy feet.