Thursday 10 July 2008

General Update

Nothing new to report.
My bosses still suck, I am thinking of writing a pamphlet on how to NOT be a sucky boss. It would go something like this:

1. Refrain from the rhetorical question when chastising an employee. For example: "Did you not see that the chairs were untidy?" because only assholes need to degrade their employees that way, and it's 90% likely that your employee will resent and look down on you for being so childish.

2. If you employee doesn't make a vocal answer to your rhetorical bitch-slap, please please please do not repeat your question, forcing said employee to look at their feet and say "no, sorry" like a three year-old caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

3. Do not curse and act irritated for things that in no way inconvenience you or impact the business. i.e.: The employee puts an empty bottle into an unused sink below the bar because she doesn't have time to put it in the recycling bin at that exact moment because there are 10 more drinks to pour and ring up, and the sink is unused and out of the way. The incorrect response would be to say loudly "what the fuck is this doing here?"And stump away muttering.

you know, things like that.

I have started making faces when T. does such things. I grit my jaw towards the beer I am pouring, or I wait until he has left and I grimace and sneer at the door he exited through. Because, I am a mature person.

I am always impressed by how teenage-ish people can be. Wait, a better way to put it, how impressed with themselves they can be because they live by bumper sticker and novelty t-shirt sayings. T. has had some good one-liners that deserve to be written down and looked at askance-like (never end a sentence with a preposition). Such as:

"I don't pay you to think."
"There's only one way to do it, and that's my way" (this with a little self-satisfied smile.)

S and I are regularly disgusted by the regulars who are in their forties and fifties and still go out every night to drink A LOT. Or there's D. another regular in his forties who was there when I started my shift one afternoon and confided in me that he had been drinking since 8 that morning. I swallowed my pity (aren't there better things to do with your time?) and acted dutifully impressed at his clear bad-assery. He was very impressed with himself and his "24 hour party" (ok, that wasn't very clever but there are so many shirts and posters and bumper stickers about partying all the time that I don't really feel the need to knock your socks off with my smart-ass wordplay). I am pretty sure that he was drinking alone in his house, and then by himself for a few hours in the pub before the other regulars trickled in and kept him company (then paid his tab, called a cab, and sent him home).

Despite the rather depressing nature of this post, life is going pretty well.
Caitlin, Will, and I are teaching the baby "tricks." Before you accuse me of treating the baby like a puppy, let me point out that she loves the feeling of communicating with us, and her "tricks" are rather like communication. For example, there is "hooray!" When you say "hooray!" and hold up your arms, Hannah holds up her arms and smiles. Sometimes she'll lift her arms on her own and we all put ours up and yell "hooray!" and Hannah smiles. Then there's "whoosh!" which happened by accident. She jerks her hands down her head and we push our hair forward with our hands and say "whoosh!" Or there's clap hands which works the same way, someone claps (either Hannah or Will or Caitlin or I) and then Will, Caitlin or I say "clap hands!" and clap our hands. I just taught her "bump heads." When you say "bump heads" and put your head near hers, she will gently bump her forehead against yours. Or, oddly, the side of her head against your forehead. She doesn't quite get a kick out of "bump heads" but she'll oblige.


Endjoi said...

my parents used to do the head-but thing to me when I was growning up, except we called it a Topeh(not sure on ehte spelling) come to think of it, that might explain a few things....

actually we did that with all the small children of my family.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, baby head butting. kirsten's used to do that, if you lean forward she'll gently nudge your head with hers. babies are like kitties!

and crap on your boss. i know the feeling completely, and for me at least i just had to ride it out. it's pretty damn hard though, so i wish you luck!