Friday 15 February 2008


List of Places to Go:
1) Scotland
Edinboroughkjhdrgkjg,hdf (dunno about spelling, don't care about spelling)
2) France (I know all this French, why not use it? plus, there is the cote d'azur which is Mediterranean and probably swimmable. Problem is, I only have one bathing suit bit, and it's the wrong bit)
3) Africa! Morocco...and GHANA! to visit MAUREEN!
4) Croatia
5) Hungary
6) Czech republic? Prague before the tourists?
7) Southern Spain
8) Estonia
9) Ireland... Dublin? Belfast?
10) Portugal? before the tourists arrive?
11) I need a map of Europe

List of Maps to Buy:

1) Europe
2) Uk
3) Cambridgeshire/East Anglia
4) London
5) Slightly larger map of the London Underground

List of Bare Walls on Which to Hang Said Maps:

1) The wall with the door and the heater
2) The wall with the desk
3) The wall with the window and the long side of the bed
4) The wall with the headboard and the dresser and the weird mildewy overhead cupboard-thing that now smells overwhelmingly of bleach, since in my zealousness to un-mildew it I sprayed it with bleach just before bedtime (aka a half hour ago) and now must suffer the pool-odor consequences. Maybe a small map will fit there.

ok, now I need to "go to bed" (lie there in the dark and curse the weird schedule that jetlag has imposed upon me).
Over and out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

emily your blog amuses me so. and DEFINITELY go to Edinburgh (written edin-BURG, spoken edin-BURROW...took me forever to get it), I am DYING to go back. good luck finding good maps and damn bleach smell!! miss you, your blog is great.