Thursday 14 February 2008


I am in England because I wanted to try something new, and Cambridge because my sister and her husband are giving me free room and board if I take care of their daughter, my 8 month-old niece Hannah for a few afternoons a week.
So, in honor of Hannah I wanted to post a little about her, but that's boring so I decided that I would post something BY her. So she obligingly banged on the keyboard for a few minutes. Then she melted down and I thought that I would calm her by showing her my pictures using the slideshow function (she gets distracted by lights and shapes and music) but that involved quitting my web browser and consequently I lost her contribution. But I am going to recreate it here because it was so goddamned cute:

sfggaf GDTSDYSADFDX sfgdges (insert spit-up here and then shuffle as the sibling and I attempt to find something to wipe it up with) dssdsdDSSDCXSDDF

Also, that picture at the top of the post is the blessed child herself, typing away.

That's enough of that.
Today I saw a woman get hit by a mac truck. Luckily the truck was going about 5 mph (in England they measure distances in miles, yes, miles.) and she was wearing a helmet. But one minute she was turning the corner and the next she was on the road. She ignored everyone who asked her if she was ok and shakily walked away. It was pretty upsetting, especially because I am just getting used to biking around on the left side of the street.
I walked all the way to Jesus Green (it's a big, green, park in the center of Cambridge) and the kid woke up, so I took her to Heffers (a bookstore) and tried to walk her around, but I was wearing lowriding pants (or, trousers as in England pants=underwear) and had to find new ways of bending over, propping the baby up with one hand and trying to adjust the back of my pants with the other while she was clutching my fingers and trying to walk around. Then she developed an alarming habit of dropping my fingers and trying to stand on her own without anyone/thing holding her up. I would then panic and lunge for her, which ticked her off. I gave up and rolled her home. Luckily she fell asleep on the way.

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