Tuesday 26 February 2008

Blue-Grey Day

Grey day. I realized too late that I had nothing planned for today and therefore basically bummed around the house. Tried to help with the baby, but she is sick and therefore fussy and so WiIl nicely asked if it was a good idea that he leave (as per the plan), and I said well, maybe not. Chased myself out of the house and went and spent money and bought clothes at some charity shops (second-hand shopping in the UK is different than in the US. It's mostly last years H&M line rather than clothes from peoples garages and attics). I bought useful things that I wanted anyways (hip length jacket, black shirt for work, plaid granny skirt). Dropped off another CV and felt slightly less blue. More planning needs to be done in the future.
I have 20 minutes of music going around and around in my head, all blue-grey day songs:
The Bleeding Heart Show - The New Pornographers
Trains Across the Sea - SIlver Jews
Star Witness - Neko Case
Ideshow by the Seashore - Luna
O is the One that is Real - My Morning Jacket
Gotta go and finish dinner (never made this before, it's white bean soups with bacon and rosemary and kale).

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