Friday 29 February 2008

In which Our Hero catches a cold and maybe another job...?

WARNING: Massive post!
I suggest that you make yourself a nice pot of tea and put on your slippers before you sit down to read this. Maybe even go to the bathroom before you begin.

I suppose I should have referred to myself (in the title) as "heroine" but that doesn't resonate as nicely in my head as "hero." (I was going to write "it doesn't sound as nice" but there we get into the disjunction (if that really is the word that I want) between the physical aspects of writing a blog (aka typing not actually talking) and the tone that I have chosen to use (I like to think that it is breezy and conversational and to those of you who disagree with me I say "whatEver." Capitalization intended.)

Just put on the headphones and some Neko Case and then discovered that I had the volume set loud enough for using the computer without the headphones, which is WAY too loud for the headphones and I had to rip them off of my head or risk going deaf (which is kind of a fear of mine given the number of ear infections and surgeries I have had. Actually only 1 surgery, and they just put little tubes through my eardrums to drain fluid better which I suppose is routine enough but they put me under general (uh-oh, spelliing trouble) anaesthesia and I had to go the hospital to have the procedure done.)

That's enough rambling; down to business:
At the beginning of this week Hannah, KT, and Will all came down with a cold. It passed through KT and Will pretty quickly and painlessly, but got Hannah good and so she has been fussy all this week. That means that she won't let me take care of her for very long before she starts to scream (and I mean crying/screaming not the screaming/whining that she does). While at work on wednesday night I started getting a stuffy nose and a scratchy throat. Yesterday I woke up feeling like during the night someon had inflated my head with snot to twice it's normal size and replaced my muscles with ABC gum left under a desk for an hour. I tried to take care of Hannah but neither of us had much patience for the other. I took her on a walk and she gabbled and cooed happily through half of it, but then the other shoe dropped and she stopped mid-coo and started to scream like I was trying to kill her. A block later my muscles (which had been lightly aching all day) decided that I had walked long enough and that they were also going to complain until I finally stopped moving. I booked it for home. I kept checking the baby to see if maybe she would cry herself to sleep but evey time I noticed that her eyes were closed and started to lower her seat to a horizontal position her eyes would fly open and she'd cry again.
I took half a dose of sleeping pill/decongestant and went to bed at 7:30. I couldn't even set my alarm clock because it's analog and I was going to set the alarm to go off at 8:15 which was also in 45 minutes as well as 12 hours and 45 minutes. I passed right out and slept for 12 hours (8 hours sleeping pill, the last 4 pure Emily! There should be sleep marathons that I could enter and then win) woke up at 7:30 the next morning, decided that I couldn't face the world quite yet and snoozed until 8:45. I woke up feeling 300 times better. Though, I think that the sleeping pill still messed with my head because I had some problems with giving out change (which isn't something that I have trouble with). It took me 3 tries to give one guy the correct change. I felt like a complete moron, which is different because I usually only feel like a partial moron. It's possible that the problems with change were exclusively my own but I have decided to blame the sleep-aid.
Speaking of work, my boss behind the bar, T, can't quite figure me out. I think that he decided that I am some sort of butter-won't-melt-in-my-mouth perfectionist vibrating with nervous energy (he once told me to calm down, which I HATE, because it makes me even more tense) because he was decidedly cool to me one shift, until I said something about fucking up (those exact words) and he said something like "YOU swear?" and I admitted that I did and he was noticeably warmer the rest of the time.

I saw a sign out in front of the Arts Picturehouse (a movie theater a lot like Landmark theaters) for kitchenstaff. So I dropped off a CV and got called back and went in for my interview this morning. I was onlt lukewarm on the job, but after the interview I want it. It's a separate business from the theater and is owned by a guy who's only had the business a few months (and is only a few years older than me). He serves crepes and tapas through the bar and needs a sous chef/chef-type person to help him out. It's a cute little kitchen in a cute little theater, but more importantly people my age who look pretty cool and there has been a dearth of friend-type people in my life these past few weeks. Note: I realize that someone looking cool does not mean that they are cool. What I mean is that they are not terribly hipster-ish but neither do they look like they play warcraft every day of every week. The caveat being that I have met awesome hipsters and because someone plays warcraft does not mean that they are boring/lacking in social skills.
Having decided post-interview that I want the job I spent the rest of the day smacking myself in the forehead over every little mistake that I made in the interview. I went for "cool person to work with" rather than "OhmygodIhavetoworkherethisisthebestplaceever!" Which could have been a mistake. But I get the impression that this was one of the first interviews that this guy had ever conducted and he didn't know what to do and therefore is kind of an unknown entity. So he had me make a crepe for him (he showed me how to do it and then I made one) and I made a pretty good one, only one spot was too thick, one or two too thin and there was only one little hole. So, I hope that my crepe-making abilities mark me as clearly the best choice for the job.
Man, I hope that I get that job. I will be really bummed if I don't get it.
But if I don't get it, it means that there is a better job out there with more fun people to work with. Right?


Ari Safari said...

Goddamnit. I put the kettle on. Took a pee and readied myself to read something vast as Lord of the Rings.
Only to discover that you are a liar and it wasn't above average length at all! But I enjoyed every second of your deception. It pleases me to see that my mad scientist friend has become a writer. I also hate being told to calm down.

Anonymous said...

boo, i am currently sick and completely feel your pain about that. but i hope you get the job too! if not, something else will definitely come along. your writing is fantastically emily-ish!