Friday 29 August 2008


Well hello friends!
Ariel and I are in Amsterdam, she says hi.
Hi! I say. We are at a hostel that recently upgraded us to a shiny, 3 person room instead of a dingy 6 person room.
E here. You are probably thinking to yourselves, "who is the third person?" (actually, I doubt that you were until I asked the question for you, just roll with me here).
A here. Our third person is ZACK BAXTER (private eye). No really, he's just a dude from San Luis Obispo whos is such a bro-dude it ain't funny.
E: but nice. And decent, so no worries there. BUT we have a TV! Not that we've really used it. We watched a weird video of a cowboy watching mini "Indians" doing "war dances" and it was a leetl unexpected.
OH! Paris was nice, we didn't see our host F much but we saw museums and the seine and stuff. We went out with F one night and caught up with him and his friends after they had had quite a few drinks of an alcoholic nature. The girls at the table next to us went outside to smoke, leaving a bag on the banquette and 2 full beers. We speclated for a little while about them leaving the beers and whether or not they were really coming back.
Then F's friend V took the beers.
The girls came back and sicced the bartender on us until another friend of F's paid for the drinks. F and one of them talked heatedly and good-naturedly about the drinks and V's "honest mistake." We continued talking to this table of people and chatted about Paris and things to do there. It was nice. As we were leaving Ariel apologized to one of the people and the girls said dismissively
"Don't worry about it (eye roll) that was so Parisian."

A few days later F, Ariel, and I went to a free showing of Hitchcocks "Foreign Correspondent" in a park. 10 minutes into the movie it started to rain and instead of leaving everyone pulled out raincoats and huge umbrellas and stayed. We only had my small, leaky umbrella to stay under and therefore got soaked because that umbrella barely keeps one person dry-ish. Luckily, the rain ended 5 minutes before the movie did.

And then Paris ended.
Actually, only our visit in Paris ended. We reserved tickets for Amsterdam for the 6:25 am train because the jerk at the ticket office said that that was the only available train. He was a dirty rotten liar, so when we missed that train by 30 seconds (we had to get our eurail passes validated and therefore missed it even though we got to the validator-man exactly at 6:24:52 and the platform was 20 feet away) we got to take the 6:55 train to Brussels and then a domestic-y no-frills train the rest of the way. Wa-hoo.

And now, I am tired and am going to bed. Will explain Febo later.
Say goodnight Ariel!

Goodnight guys! I will try to update my blog at some point as well. When there aren't people in line behind me glaring if I use the internet for more than 5 minutes. Bums.

1 comment:

mommycaskey said...

Thanks E.
Um, Feeebo? I look forward to hearing that story. Hope you or A get to post some pix soon. I've never been to the Netherlands, and am curious. Tulips? chocolate? hookers? hash? skinny old buildings, bicycles? canals with weird old barges?
any hoo,
A's mom