Monday 9 June 2008

The Vomit Post

I had some sort of vomit problem early yesterday morning. I say problem because I am not quite sure why I puked quite so much. Caitlin had a queasy spell for a few days, which I may have picked up from her, or my employers' habit of buying milk-on-the-brink (it's cheap!) finally got me.
Normally sickness problems like this suck but are not much of an issue. You clear your schedule and spend the day within chunks blow of the commode, feeling sorry for yourself and wishing that you were dead, but dressed in pjs and weakly sipping herbal tea.
I had to to go Madrid.
So I hauled myself home from work at midnight and caught the 3:30 am bus for Luton airport and took my flight to Madrid. At least every hour from 2:15 to 9:15 I had to stop what I was doing (usually holding my head in my hands and wishing that my flight/bus/Madrid would get canceled and I could go home and get into my pjs and drink tea etc.) and book it to the loo. I arrived in Madrid and sat myself down with a lemon fanta (fanta fanta, doncha wanna?) in the only place to sit down in the airport and tried to pull myself together (and keep the soda down) the soda stayed put and I sacrificed mucho dinero to a taxi because I had been puking for the last 7 hours and there was no way that I was going to be able to eat anything for at least another 24 hours.
My taxi driver was uninteresting except that he called me lady. I checked into the hostel at 12 and they told me that I could shower etc, but that my room wouldn't be ready for a few hours. I sat ona sofa in the common room and "read" (or, passed out) and the guy caught me and let me get into my room early. I staggered into the first bed I saw and slept for 5 hours. I stayed in that bed until 8 the next morning and woke up feeling infinitely better. I even ate breakfast and an enormous lunch. I now have something akin to cute motion sickness rather than all the time crap-i-tude.
That was today. Nick came in late last night and we tried to see the Prado but it was closed so instead we walked around a lot and saw the Palacio Real. It was impressive and had rooms that were entirely walled and ceilinged in porcelain.
Now we are going out for tapas.
Screw you weird tummy issue!

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