Tuesday 14 October 2008

If You Hate Gloating, Don't Read This Post.

My traveling companions and I lay on the beach and bobbed around in the Mediteranean all afternoon. Then we stayed up late last night, drinking sea-foam green margeritas and eating chicken roulade stuffed with zucchini, spinach and chevre. We couldn't find limes or triple sec or good tequila or a shaker or ice that didn't come in 5 pound blocks, but Ben managed with unsweetened lime juice and blue curacao and crummy tequila and a tupperware and ice shards that Evan chipped off of the 5 pound blocks.

I am going to go read chick lit in the sun and then we are going to have polenta and possibly duck confit for lunch. After that, we are going back to the beach.

I keep putting on too much sunscreen and therefore have not tanned AT ALL. I am a little miffed at that.

But there are worse things.

1 comment:

Ari Safari said...

I hate you slightly. I hope you don't get a tan at all! Nice beaches are actually illegal in Korea. Sunny, nice beaches are even more illegal.